HumanOp takes a fresh and decidedly different approach to enterprise. We believe in thinking differently.
Among individuals of good faith and fundamental integrity this Terms of Serving arrangement enhances the opportunities for effective communication. It provides a container of safety and understanding that can enable great results for each party and the relationship it reflects. The HumanOp Terms of Serving arrangement functions most effectively where each party accepts one hundred percent of the responsibility for the relationship’s success.
Accordingly, it is necessary and appropriate to clearly understand the nature of the mutual commitments. This Terms of Serving arrangement is the foundation for the process that will bring about the best results from our work together. Clearly understanding the initial conditions, desired goals, and objectives gives direction to our efforts. With regard to this Terms of Serving arrangement, our efforts to understand both its words and its spirit will be rewarded.
By accessing and using the HumanOp Application (App), you’re confirming that you’ve read, understood, and agreed to these Terms of Serving, which also incorporate our Data Protection/Privacy Policy. Together, these create the roadmap for how HumanOp and You, the HumanOp Patron, will collaborate within the HumanOp collective. HumanOp wants this experience to feel effortless and supportive. If at any point you feel these terms don’t resonate with your needs, HumanOp understands, and you’re welcome to step away from using the App.
Description and Use of the HumanOp Application and Services
The goal of the HumanOp Application and collective is to help you develop and deepen a conscious-understanding of yourself…to reveal how you uniquely operate and move on the road of life…how you make decisions…how you energize and motivate yourself…how you learn, absorb and process information, and how you can easily communicate and connect with others.
Over time, as our HumanOp Authentic Intelligence (HAI) engine learns about how you uniquely operate…it will offer suggestions and daily tips unique to you that help you…shift from a weak, energy-drain or toxic state to a stronger, intelligent state…improve your performance, and offer specific strategies for how you can stop any energy drain or loss…in the moment.
User Eligibility
The HumanOp Application is designed to help you gain a better understanding of yourself. It helps you understand why you do the things you do, and how you access, use, and optimize your life-energy? At this time, the HumanOp Application is only available to download and use for individual Patrons that are 18 years and older.
In order for you to get the most accurate results from the HumanOp assessment, you agree to provide truthful, current, and complete information during the registration and assessment process. In order for you to get accurate results from the HumanOp assessment you need to be truthful with your answers. When asked about your date of birth do NOT subtract 5..10..or more years from your actual date of birth. If you do…the validity of your results will be impacted.
For the protection of our Patrons and our collective as a whole, registered sex offenders are not permitted to access the HumanOp Application or its Services.
Patron Account Registration
Once you have agreed to the HumanOp Terms of Serving and Privacy Policy, you will need to register and create a Registered Patron account. This is accomplished by either downloading the HumanOp Application tool from the appropriate App Store for your SmartPhone (either iPhone or Android), or downloading the Application directly onto your computer from our website
You will then create a unique sign-in name ("Sign-In Name"), password ("Password"), and then you will be asked specific questions about yourself such as your date of birth and your gender at birth. Once you have created your Patron Account, you will be taken directly into a free, 87-question assessment.
Once you complete your initial assessment, you can go to your Dashboard and select the RESULTS option from the menu. From there you will be taken to a library of videos that introduce you to the results of your assessment. The training videos will cover topics such as identifying the main motivating forces that drive you through life, your unique levels of life-energy and your tolerance for people, places and things, along with how you most easily connect and communicate with others.
When you access the HumanOp application daily, you will receive specific tips on how you can optimize your behavior and improve your performance.
Use of Your Personal Information
The private information about your physical traits is essential for generating your unique assessment results. Just like your fingerprint, your results are unique to you. HumanOp only collects and stores, on secured servers, your personal physical trait information that you provide. This information is required to complete and provide you with accurate information for your personal use. HumanOp ensures the security of your personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing.
The HumanOp App does not collect or store personal information such as social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, your personal geolocation information, racial, ethnic origin, immigration status, religious or any other membership information. Nor do we collect any personal information from any social media websites.
Your data will NEVER be used or sold for any other purpose other than personalizing your results and experience within the HumanOp collective. Should a potential partnership opportunity arise, under the principle of transparency, HumanOp will give you the opportunity to accept or decline the sharing of your profile data with this partner.
HumanOp and the HumanOp Patron agree to hold each other’s information in the strictest confidence. All HumanOp Stewards, Partners, and all HumanOp Patrons are bound by the confidentiality terms of this Arrangement.
Patron Conduct and Community Guidelines
HumanOp subscribes and follows the maxims and principles of Exclusive Equity in dealing with our Stewards, Patrons and Partners. The Principles of Exclusive Equity are as follows:
being kind to self and others
doing what is right and just
living our word in honor
hurting no one or their property
rendering everyone their due
and of not suffering a wrong without a remedy
As a HumanOp Patron, you declare and agree to subscribe and follow these same principles in all your dealings and interactions with any Stewards, Partners, or other Patrons within the HumanOp collective. Those Patrons who do not follow and abide by these principles will receive one warning, and should an offense occur again, You will be honorably escorted out of the collective.
In addition to following the principles of Exclusive Equity, You, the HumanOp Patron agree to NOT:
Self-promote or spam any other Patrons, Stewards, or Partners within the HumanOp collective
Not partake in any hate speech, harassment, bullying, discrimination or any other misinformation or targeted attacks with any other Patrons, Stewards, or Partners within the HumanOp collective. The HumanOp collective practices tolerance with individuals that have a different point of view
share your own personal information or the sharing of other Patron’s personal information
conduct any illegal activity
protect both your own personal information and the Intellectual property of the HumanOp application and collective
use any HumanOp content without prior written authorization from HumanOp.
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding these guidelines you can contact HumanOp via email at [email protected]. We are always open to improving your experience within the collective.
If as a Steward, Partner, or Patron; you feel that you’ve have been dishonored in any way…you can contact us at [email protected] to let us know the details of the specific situation in order for HumanOp to seek remedy with you.
Membership Levels
HumanOp offers three levels of service for the use of the HumanOp Application software within the collective. When you, The HumanOp Patron, download the application, register for a Patron account, and complete the 87-question assessment, you are automatically enrolled in the HumanOp collective and have access to the HumanOp Application at no cost. Yes…you read that correctly. Every HumanOp Patron has access to the HumanOp Application and collective FOR FREE!
We call this first level of membership the Freemium level, which includes the following:
Users can take the assessment every 90 days and immediately receive basic results, video results, and access to transcriptions. However, you cannot download or export any content, such as your Operating manual, which is only available to download in the paid levels of membership.
The freemium level offers access to basic content and resources. (only 1 tip for the next 90 days) or more advanced features.
You can earn points to unlock additional content after a certain period.
You can earn access to the paid levels of membership by referring others to join the HumanOp collective. This feature was designed to automatically upgrade your membership, automatically crediting you for the next month membership. If your referral cancels their paid membership, you will be downgraded to your previous membership level.
One free assessment every 90 days
The second level of membership ($10/month) is the Core level, which includes All features and functions of the Freemium levels plus the following:
You will receive a different operating tip which is designed from the results of your assessment, each day you login into the HumanOp collective.
You receive a comprehensive 90-day action plan helping you optimize your daily behaviors and performance.
The HumanOp Authentic Intelligent engine (HAi) begins to use its memory function to remember and access all prior conversations with you as it interacts with you.
System remembers and focuses on successful strategies but doesn't delve into deeper strategies.
You earn free Premium level membership by referring others to the HumanOp Application and collective. This feature automatically upgrades your membership when your referral enrolls in a paid membership. If your referral cancels their paid membership level, you will be downgraded to your previous membership level.
One free assessment every 90 days
The third level of membership ($50/month) is the Premium level, which include all features and functions of the Freemium and Core levels, plus the following:
Unlocks all HumanOp features, such as downloading your Operating Manual, and allows for training and access to a variety of other resources.
Offers full access and deeper training strategies.
The Premium level also includes early releases and beta versions.
Provides full access to our patented HumanOp Authentic Intelligent engine (HAi), which acts as a companion and support system that helps you to develop daily strategies, answering your specific questions, and optimizing your performance. HAi also assists with network building and can recruit help from other users.
One free assessment every 90 days
New annual renewal system for their service, offering a free credit to customers who renew annually.
A gamification element where users earn points for logging in, which can be accumulated towards rewards such as swag, membership levels, or even human OP coins.
Changing or Canceling Membership Levels and Refunding Last Payment
Under the principles of Integrity and collaboration, HumanOp provides you, the HumanOp Patron, with total control over your maintaining your membership levels. There is no need to email or call any HumanOp Steward to modify your membership. Within the collective simply go to your ‘Dashboard’, and select the ‘Billing’ option. From there simply select the level of membership you wish to participate in. Any changes are instantly effected.
If you find that your situation with money is getting tighter, and you want to get a refund on your last payment; from your ‘Dashboard’ simply select the ‘Refund Last Payment’ option, and your last payment transaction will be refunded to your credit card. Please give our credit-card processor several days to have this transaction to show up on your statement.
In addition to giving total control over processing your last refund, HumanOp would love to offer you a free “Prosperity Breakthrough’ booklet to help you strengthen your financial situation. Simply check the box on the screen, enter the email address you want this content delivered to.
Reserve the Right for Modifications of Serving
As we continue our journey together, there will be times when HumanOp needs to make changes to the App, the Services, the HumanOp collective, or the Terms of Serving arrangement. HumanOp reserves the right to make such modifications when necessary to ensure a positive and evolving experience for all Patrons and Stewards. Should any changes occur, we will update the App or the collective, and according to the principle of transparency, we will notify you of any and all changes, allowing you to consciously decide whether to continue using the HumanOp App under the revised Terms of Serving arrangement. By choosing to continue using the App after these updates, you agree to abide by the modified Terms of Serving arrangement. If at any time these modifications no longer align with your needs or expectations, you are free to discontinue your participation, knowing that we respect your decision to leave the HumanOp collective.
Binding Private Arbitration and Class Action Waiver
Law form: This Terms of Serving arrangement is governed by the Jurisprudence of Exclusive Equity, the Maxims of Equity and the principles of what is fair, just, and right.
HumanOp operates according to the principles and maxims of Exclusive Equity. We believe in not dishonoring anyone or their property, rendering everyone their due, and seeking equitable remedy in difficult situations. As a result, we do not envision encountering any unresolvable disputes with any of our Stewards or Patrons. If any Steward or Patron feels they have been dishonored…they can contact us at
[email protected] to let us know the details in order for HumanOp to seek equitable remedy for the situation.
Should a dispute, controversy, or claim arise relating to this Terms of Serving arrangement, which is not remedied according to each of the parties’ satisfaction, you, the HumanOp Patron, agree to resolve the dispute through equitable internal private binding arbitration. The parties pledge to resolve any disputes through equitable principles, seeking remedies that uphold the spirit of fairness, justice, and righteousness ensuring that no party shall profit from their own wrongdoing, and all actions taken hereunder shall reflect a commitment to act in good faith, good conscience, good reason and with due regard for the exclusive equitable rights of all involved. You also agree to accept the arbitrator’s decision as final and agree to have no right to appeal the arbitrator’s decision.
This Arrangement shall in all respects be governed with honor and the parties hereby pledge that any disputes will be brought with good conscience and good reason and will be handled through private internal mutual mediation only. Any dispute brought forth in any other manner will result in immediate rescission of this arrangement. By accepting these Terms of Serving you are pledging to abide by the above equitable remedy process and you also agree to waive your right to join a class action lawsuit or bring a claim in any other manner.
License to Use the App
HumanOp grants you, the HumanOp Patron, a proprietary license to access, download, and use the HumanOp Application program for personal use only for as long as you are a Patron of good-standing within the HumanOp collective. The Patron acknowledges that the application program and the collective is proprietary to HumanOp, and may not be distributed or shared with any other third party.
Family members, friends or partners are required to register for their own free Patron account.
You, the HumanOp Patron, also agree to not develop, or have any third-party develop any Derivative Works or any type of software program based on the HumanOp Application program, Trademarks, Copyrights, or Trade Secrets without prior written arrangement with HumanOp Technologies.
Intellectual Property Rights
HumanOp has a perpetual, permissive License granted from the licensor for the patented assessment instrument branded as The Ultimate Life Tool. HumanOp also owns all other content and materials in the HumanOp Application program and collective, including but not limited to text, graphics, designs, logos, and software. All intellectual property assets are protected by copyright, trademark, and other Trade Secret intellectual property laws. You may not use any of these materials without prior written arrangement from HumanOp.
Patron Content Transmitted Through the Service
As a HumanOp Patron, you have the freedom to post and upload individual content, including personal trait characteristics and other private information, images, and materials ("Patron Content"). You, and not HumanOp, are entirely responsible for all of the Patron Content that you upload, post, e-mail, or otherwise transmit via the Services within the HumanOp collective. You, the Patron, retain all copyrights and other intellectual property rights in and to your own Patron Content. However, by uploading Patron Content, you grant HumanOp a non-exclusive, royalty-free, freely sublicensable, perpetual license to access and use your Patron Content.
Indemnity and Release
Because HumanOp subscribes and operates under the principles and Maxims of Exclusive Equity, we believe in not hurting anyone or their property, rendering everyone their due, and not suffering a wrong without a remedy. Also, under this Terms of Serving arrangement, HumanOp and each of our Stewards have agreed to accept one hundred percent of the responsibility for the success of our relationship. As a result, we do not envision encountering any unresolvable disputes with any of our Stewards or Patrons, and there is no reason to indemnify one another.
Disclaimer of Warranties
HumanOp utilizes the world-wide internet and digital technology infrastructure, such as smartphones, servers, firewalls, i.e. to process and deliver our products and services. You, the HumanOp Patron, understand and agree that HumanOp can not be held responsible for the performance of this technology infrastructure on which the entire world has come to depend.
Limitation of Liability
Neither HumanOp or You, the HumanOp Patron shall have any liability toward each other in the event that any information exchanged or provided is found to be inaccurate in the absence of gross neglect, bad faith, or wilful misconduct by the party providing such information. Neither HumanOp or our Patron shall have any liability to the other.
As a HumanOp Patron, you have complete freedom to terminate your membership within the HumanOp collective at any time. You can choose to return to the Freemium level of Patron membership, or to completely delete all of your Patron membership information off of all HumanOp servers. This function can be effected from your ‘Dashboard’ under the ‘Settings’ option. Once you delete your membership information, it is deleted forever. If you ever decide to return to the collective you will need to create an entirely new Patron membership account.
In addition, HumanOp reserves the right to terminate your Patron membership at will, if you repeatedly do not follow the guidelines for the Patron membership collective that is listed above. Those Patrons who do not follow these guidelines will receive one warning, and should an offense occur again, You will be honorably escorted out of the collective.
General Provisions
Neither HumanOp or the HumanOp Patron may assign this Terms of Serving arrangement without the other’s written permission.
This Terms of Serving arrangement constitutes the entire arrangement between HumanOp and the HumanOp Patron.
No failure of either HumannOp or the HumanOp patron to exercise or enforce any of their rights under this Terms of Serving arrangement will act as a waiver of those rights.
Feel free to drop us a line. We’d love to hear from you!
© 2024 HumanOp. All rights reserved.